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Insurance Call Center Software

Enhance your customer service capabilities with us

Trusted by more than 1500+ customers. Insurance customers expect a lot when they reach out to your customer service for help. Ideally, they would like to reach someone who knows a lot about their specific situation and wants resolutions immediately. Most likely, these would be during non-business hours.

The insurance industry is complex, and customer service is critical to build customer loyalty. Our cloud-hosted omnichannel insurance call center software can help you address all of your customer needs in an integrated manner. Every agent has an integrated one view of the customer across all channels to address queries quickly.

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Our Platform Features – Contact Center Solution for Insurance

  • Intelligent Routing

    Supports all forms of routing and distributes the calls accordingly – skills-based routing, location-based routing, language, and time-based routing.

  • Remote Working Ready

    Pure cloud infrastructure with multi-location, multi-tenant and work-from-home capabilities. All you need are a functional Internet and a browser.

  • Scale Up and Down

    Scale up and down the number of agents based on your business spikes at a moment’s notice. You don’t need to provision licenses to add the agents.

  • Ease of Engagement

    All the features are bundled together on a per-minute pricing model. No long-term contracts. No minimum commitments. You pay only for what you use.

  • Voice Broadcasting

    Automated Voice Broadcasting (AIVMS) that can be used for customer engagement, promotions, sending reminders, and conducting surveys.

  • Call and Screen Recording

    Call recording and screen recording to monitor agent performance and improve efficiencies. This can help with agent training and dispute resolution.

  • Custom Dashboards

    Analyze real-time metrics and create dashboards. Create and schedule reports for efficient workflow. View your historical data in charts and graphs.

  • Reporting

    Supports custom report creation in multiple formats. You can segment groups, customers, and processes for client-specific reporting and compliance.

  • Omnichannel Capabilities

    A single view of customers across all channels and interfaces through the integration of your contact center with your best-of-breed solutions.

  • Lower TCO

    Completely managed infrastructure with low entry barriers. No need for servers, data center space, and resources to manage and maintain the platform.

  • Cloud Migration

    Migrate your disparate infrastructure and on-premise solutions to the cloud within 48 hours, allowing your agents to work from anywhere seamlessly.

How Does Insurance Call Center Software Work?

When your customer calls your contact center, the platform’s intelligent ACD system routes the call to the right agent at the right location, maximizing the chances of first call resolutions.

You don’t have to worry about missed calls during your peak hours, as we have an automated callback option to reach the customers as soon as an agent is available. Besides, the platform is tightly integrated with CRM, helpdesk, collection software, and other best-of-breed solutions, ensuring one view of the customer for the agents.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an insurance call center?

An insurance call center is a department within the insurance company that handles inbound and outbound communication with customers. Representatives in an insurance call center would handle queries like coverage, billing issues, claims management, sell, up-sell, or cross-sell services and policies.

Why is customer service important in the insurance industry?

Nearly 60% of insurance executives rank a differentiated customer service experience as having the highest impact on successful competition. To establish a successful relationship between insurers and customers, insurance organizations must focus on meeting customer demands during each phase of the customer journey – from awareness to post-selling services.

Insurance is a regulated industry. How do I ensure my agents don’t missell our services?

Our platform records and stores every call you have with your customers. Our speech analytics feature can help you figure out misselling and compliance issues.

Our voice analytics solution is a set of advanced tools for search and discovery combined with automatic call transcription. It includes a highly flexible search engine for quickly and easily finding and retrieving calls through a free-form combination of keywords, phrases, acoustic measures, and call metadata.

What are the advantages of using our platform with voice analytics?

Our voice analytics can help reveal deep business insights hidden inside every customer interaction. Its features include advanced search and filtering, enterprise-grade speech recognition and transcription, contextual call playback data, tagging and commenting, transcript visualization, and full payment card industry (PCI) redaction.

It can help you:

  • Reduce the cost of callbacks as a result of improved first-call resolution (FCR) rates.
  • Avoid penalty fines and damages by maintaining compliance with data records.
  • Lowest cost per call with improved average handle time (AHT).
  • Reduced call volumes by identifying typical call issues and customizing self-service options to provide a solution.
How can you make your customer engagement more responsive and performance-driven?

Inbound call centers allow your customers to reach you 24×7 by voice, email, chat, and text. This, combined with capturing all customer interactions from your CRM, website, social, and email, and having an integrated view of it, allows you to provide an outstanding customer experience.

Your customers don’t have to repeat themselves at any point, irrespective of the channels they use.

Related Resources

See how a call center has increased its first call resolutions using our insurance call center solutions.

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